Technology Inspiring Greatness Globally
A free video-driven interactive work-based learning platform
A safe and private career-based platform for our schools and businesses.
Students are migrating through school without an understanding of the careers available to them or the necessary skills expected of them for a chosen career path.
Our schools are resource strained and ill-equipped to build a business network to meet workforce objectives.
Through meticulously crafted, premium experiences, we believe the most effective way to support our school's career development objectives is to bring national and local businesses, inspirational role models and industry leaders into the classroom virtually.
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Clarifying education objectives
Students learn how their education impacts their future career opportunities as they engage in the stories, successes, skill requirements, and career insights of industry professionals.
Protects the Teacher - Student Relationship.
Brings industry into the classroom.
Delivers knowledge, hope and opportunity.
Creating Opportunity
Tiggbee bridges the gap between Education and Business
Economic and geographical disparities within a community can impede a student's academic and personal development, ultimately fostering a sense of isolation and disregard.
Tiggbee has the power to remove these obstacles by enriching educational experiences through a secure and free platform for schools. Students can effortlessly connect and interact with a wide range of businesses across different industries. Our platform unlocks a realm of opportunities, empowering students to gain invaluable insights through engaging interactions with experienced industry professionals. It enables them to explore a wide array of career paths and expand their professional networks, paving the way for a future filled with limitless potential.
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We develop Hope...
by helping our youth find the path to their dreams
Our Mission is to empower our students regardless of economic or geographic barriers with the hope and knowledge of the opportunities to be happy and successful individuals.
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